I've officially declared myself obsessed with Harry Potter... I'm almost done with the Work and the Glory series, so even though I've been craving to read HP again, I resisted so I can finish without distraction. Instead, my little brother downloaded the HP audio books .. Fast-forward a month later and I haven't listened to any music thanks to these being on my zune! Also, I'm just starting Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.... ANYWAY! I've been meaning to record my favorite Dumbledore quotes {not in any particular order} for a while now, so here we go! {And if you're really nice, I'll even include more of my favorites from other characters!}
1. "It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more."
2. "It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!"
3. "We are only as strong as we are united; as weak as we are divided."
4. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."
5. "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
6. "Ah, music...a magic beyond all we do here!"
7. "In dreams we enter a world that's entirely our own."
8. "Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it."
9. "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that."
10. "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living and above all, those who live without love."
11. "It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities."
12. "To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
13. "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
14. "It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well."
15. "The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution."
16. "Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."
17. "It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated."
18. "Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right."
19. "We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, Harry, but battle on."
20. "The consequences of our actions are so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed."
21. "You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself plainly when you have need of him."
22. "Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike."
23. "Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young."
24. "People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right."
25. "Welcome! Welcome to the new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you.."
26. "I make mistakes like the next man. In fact, being - forgive me - rather cleverer than most men, my mistakes tend to be correspondingly huger."
"Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world." {Hermoine Granger}
"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." {Sirius Black}
"We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." {Sirius Black}
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." {Luna Lovegood}
"What a beautiful place to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend...Harry Potter." {Dobby}
"We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better." {J.K. Rowling}
"Achievable goals are the first step to self-improvement." {J.K. Rowling}
"Bad news, Harry. I've just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt. She, er, got a bit shirty with me. Told me I'd got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the cup than I do about you staying alive. Just because I told her I didn't care if it threw you off, as long as you caught the Snitch first. Honestly, the way she was yelling at me... you'd think I'd said something terrible?" {Oliver Wood}
Well, that's that! If you have any other quotes you love, please do share! This post took me way too long and I'm sure I left out many many more jewels! I've revealed my obsession to Cody, so I'm hoping he will keep that in mind as the holiday season approaches....
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
1. Escape the Fate
2. Bullet for My Valentine
3. Seether
4. Three Days Grace
Set list:
The Good Life
I Hate Everything About You
Lose Yourself {Eminem cover?} {3:42 is when he starts..}
Never Too Late
5. Avenged Sevenfold
Set list:
Chapter Four
Welcome to the Family
Almost Easy
Seize the Day
God Hates Us
Little Piece of Heaven {definitely NOT work/family-friendly}
Bat Country
Unholy Confessions
Oh my goodness... I know I've praised Avenged Sevenfold before, but this concert was unbelievable! First, the other bands were really great! I was impressed with Bullet and Seether; both were very good live. Three Days Grace was not as good live as I would've hoped, but I still enjoyed their show very much. He was very entertaining {with a fun schizo episode at the end of Animal} and he apparently really loved performing for us. I sang to every song and it was a great set list for them!
But Avenged... Absolutely amazing! Avenged came with UPROAR last year (which I attended, duh), so M. Shadows thought it would be dumb to play the same list of songs. I would've been ok with that because I loved it last year, but I do see his point. They played a great mix of older and newer stuff! They also played two songs I'd never seen them perform (M.I.A. and Little Piece of Heaven) and they were AWESOME! Jeremy was flipping out because his favorite guitar solo is on M.I.A.! And it's just a beautiful song. Little Piece of Heaven is a very impressive song, but it's definitely not for the faint of heart!
My feet hurt, I got to bed really late, and there were guys smoking pot behind us... But it was so great! I actually got up and did my workout, so I'm feeling pretty optimistic about today. What a great night! I had a lot of fun with Jeremy and his girlfriend Mackenzie. It's comforting to know that Cody and I aren't the only silly couple out there. LOL
2. Bullet for My Valentine
3. Seether
4. Three Days Grace
Set list:
The Good Life
I Hate Everything About You
Lose Yourself {Eminem cover?} {3:42 is when he starts..}
Never Too Late
5. Avenged Sevenfold
Set list:
Chapter Four
Welcome to the Family
Almost Easy
Seize the Day
God Hates Us
Little Piece of Heaven {definitely NOT work/family-friendly}
Bat Country
Unholy Confessions
Oh my goodness... I know I've praised Avenged Sevenfold before, but this concert was unbelievable! First, the other bands were really great! I was impressed with Bullet and Seether; both were very good live. Three Days Grace was not as good live as I would've hoped, but I still enjoyed their show very much. He was very entertaining {with a fun schizo episode at the end of Animal} and he apparently really loved performing for us. I sang to every song and it was a great set list for them!
But Avenged... Absolutely amazing! Avenged came with UPROAR last year (which I attended, duh), so M. Shadows thought it would be dumb to play the same list of songs. I would've been ok with that because I loved it last year, but I do see his point. They played a great mix of older and newer stuff! They also played two songs I'd never seen them perform (M.I.A. and Little Piece of Heaven) and they were AWESOME! Jeremy was flipping out because his favorite guitar solo is on M.I.A.! And it's just a beautiful song. Little Piece of Heaven is a very impressive song, but it's definitely not for the faint of heart!
My feet hurt, I got to bed really late, and there were guys smoking pot behind us... But it was so great! I actually got up and did my workout, so I'm feeling pretty optimistic about today. What a great night! I had a lot of fun with Jeremy and his girlfriend Mackenzie. It's comforting to know that Cody and I aren't the only silly couple out there. LOL
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
On the Book of Mormon challenge, it's going to take me longer than 100 days, but I've been doing it a few days a week at least, plus reading two or three days worth on Sundays. I love being able to catch up on Sundays!
As for other things, I tried out this workout today and I think it went pretty well. The 20 minute cardio was a little tough for me because I usually allow more than 20 minutes to do my run. I had to hustle! Other than that, the rest was pretty doable, except for the last one.. I had to get a tutorial on youtube on how to do it! haha Anyway, here it is: {provided by See Beauty over on tumblr}

{I realize that today is NOT in fact Monday, but I plan on doing this on Saturday, so there. I'm going to be super sore tomorrow, but luckily there's another to do then so I don't just veg hehe}
Sunday, August 7, 2011
100 day challenge..
Now, I don't know if I'm going to end up documenting this challenge on this blog, but I know that would be cool. I want to read the Book of Mormon in 100 days! I've been reading through The Work and the Glory series and it's been pretty enjoyable. But what has stuck with me the most is the characters involved and their quests to know the church is true through reading the scriptures.
I've been fortunate enough to have come to this knowledge by other means. I have a very strong testimony of the power of prayer and of the Atonement. I have read the Book of Mormon before, but I've never been very consistent. And even though I have a strong testimony of prayer, I've failed to keep up with those as well. What I would like is to get back to the basics of my testimony. The basics of the church I love so very much.
I would be lying if I didn't say that my being called to be a Beehive Adviser didn't have something to do with this. I would love to have a positive experience to share with my girls. BUT I have been wanting to do this for quite some time and I think now is a perfect time. I've been getting into routine ruts this year and I think getting back to the basics would be a big help. We had a lesson in Sunday School today and he talked about how keeping up with your scripture study and prayers will always be the best first step to bettering your life. And I believe it!
This challenge I've found will not only help me read it in 100 days, but it will prompt me to ponder the things I'm reading. I've had a few testimony-building experiences with the scriptures, but I've never read it to know it's true. I've never read the scriptures and then prayed to gain a witness. And I know every person is different, but why not try?! I think I owe Joseph Smith that courtesy, at the very least. So wish me luck!!
{I will try to document my progress on here, so if I forget, remind me!}
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
{loved it}
I just realized that both of my HP posts were just leading up to the movie! I went to the midnight showing with my dear friend Amanda and it was so good. I kind of wish there were more HP movies coming out so I could do the midnight showing again.. It's just amazing to be in a theater filled with people who want to be there as much {or much more so} as I do. And who didn't bring their children/babies. I love kids, don't get me wrong. But Harry Potter is no place for children. This movie wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. There was a lot of violence and it was pretty intense, but they did a really good job with having plot with the battle. I'm not the type of person who will go through the book and movie and stew about everything they did wrong because I think that ruins it. It was a great movie and even though they didn't do everything exactly as JK Rowling wrote it, it was tastefully done. I'm planning on seeing it again, but that might be after it goes to dollar theaters. I didn't cry as much as I expected either. But I loved having the audience laugh, cheer, and be silent when it was appropriate! What a great experience.

So sad the movies are done, but I've thoroughly enjoyed them all; cheesy or not. Now we just need JK to start writing again, even though she's probably set for life financially. {oh my, how they've grown!}
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
counting down..
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two is coming up!!! I've been re-watching the other movies in preparation for it and I'm so flipping excited!! Also, Cody is up in SLC for his company's convention this week, so I'm alone until Saturday.. I'm going to miss him lots. Even with my crazy schedule, I've still been able to see him fairly often. Not having him here when I get home from Harry Potter will be hard. I'm going to cry the whole time, I just know it! I've already cried during the trailers I've watched, so you do the math!
Question: when did Neville Longbottom get so hot? He needs to get his British teeth fixed, but he is looking very handsome these days..

Also, I'm still doing the 30-day challenge over yonder, so check it out!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
get ready!
Thanks to my loverly friend Amanda, I have now borrowed all seven currently available Harry Potter movies, and I will soon commence the watching of said movies before the MIDNIGHT showing of part two of Deathly Hallows ... Next week people! Did I tell you I bought some Potter-esque glasses in preparation of said showing?! Because I did. I'm also a little sad that I am just now on the Harry Potter bandwagon. Oh, the wasted years!! I also kind of wish I didn't have to work or be a wife for the next week so I could read through all of the books before I go to the movie. Just a little bit. *sigh* Too excited, is what I am. GET EXCITED WITH ME!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
This week I am reminded about the fact that if we do not continue to grow individually and as a couple, marriage is a lot harder than it needs to be. I'm not using this post as a rant (that's what this blog is for! - mostly kidding..), it's just something I've been thinking about today. Here I was, getting comfortable with my new work arrangement, thinking everything is just hunky-dory. I think I've been pretty selfish the last few weeks, even though I was in denial because I convinced myself that I got laid-off from my job, so I should pity myself. You'd think I would have learned by now that when I get too comfortable, that's when things get shaken up in my life. Hopefully I'll learn soon, right? I love my husband so much and that love is worth every hard time we've had in the last five years. I'm not giving up, so I guess you could say this is my "bugger-off" to Satan to leave us alone.
No-Bake Cookies (w/PEANUT BUTTER!!)
I decided to make no-bake cookies today because I was craving them.. They turned out great! I had never made them with peanut butter and I think that's a great addition! Here's the recipe if anyone wants to try it. I got it out of a Marching Band cook book.
1 stick of butter
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup cocoa
3 cups oats
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup peanut butter
In medium saucepan, melt butter, then stir in sugar, milk, and cocoa. Bring to boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and add oats, salt, vanilla, and peanut butter. Stir well, then drop with spoon onto wax paper. Allow to cool, then enjoy!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sock Monkey!

I bought my adorable niece a sock monkey for her first birthday and it really made me want one. But I was thinking it would be fun to make one! Thoughts? I've found a few tutorials/resources to use, but I was hoping someone out there might have already made one before.. ? Here are a few options:
I could make one with the original plan and materials using SockMonkey.Net's kits. Upside is that it will look like the original! Downside is that it's a little pricey, $22 for the pre-sewn kit, and $17 for just the materials and the instructions.
I could just find some socks I love and make them with other tutorials found online. Such as: Web Goddess or Rockin' Sock Monkey Tutorial. My confidence in my skills is pretty lacking at the moment, so I will probably make a few before I'm satisfied with the end result. So begins the search for the perfect socks for my monkey!
Encouragement, advice, and well-wishing is much appreciated. I need the motivation!
Edit: Apparently, Penny LOVES her sock monkey and they are best friends now. If I can figure out how to make them well, this might be might be my next go-to for gifts for kids/babies! There's a cute one that I can make out of the smaller socks, so that would be good a baby.. WAHOO!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Random Wednesday
Sorry to start off on a negative note, but... A dog in the neighborhood got into our backyard and killed 8 of our 10 chickens, 6 of which were babies.. Cody called the cops, followed the dog, then let the owners know they would be speaking with the cops soon. They owe us for damages (the chickens lost, plus the coop the dog destroyed getting to the chickens) and they were charged with "dog at large" and "dog-attack on a domestic animal". I understand that dogs will be dogs, but people shouldn't let their dogs run wild around the neighborhood. And our chickens weren't running free in the backyard, they were penned up and it took the dog a lot of effort to get to them. *sigh*
My allergies are pretty bad, but I think that's because I got so used to working in a warehouse and not being out in the elements as much during the day. Now that I'm in and out of my car at the peak allergy time-of-day (at noon and then again at 5pm), I'm getting hit pretty hard. Time to pony-up the dough for Zyrtec, I guess.
Still no pass to the Provo-Rec, but hopefully soon. Cody doesn't want to get them until he has more time to go, and he just has lots of yard stuff to do right now. Considering how cheap it is, and that we're paying yearly, I don't feel the same way, but whatever. I did got on a loooong run on Monday from my house to the new north park in Spanish Fork (a little under 5 miles when I take the running path along hwy 6) and it KILLED ME! I'm just now recovering from the soreness. Note to self: I need to GRADUALLY work a longer run into my life.. Good heavens!
It's SUMMER! The weather has been so nice.. I just need to get out and enjoy it! Cody and I are planning on going camping a few times, so I'm pretty excited about that. Work has been pretty good, still looking for something with an earlier schedule. I'm just glad AMP is such a good gig, or the hours would drive me crazy. I can't believe I've been working for Nu Skin and AMP for two months already..
Well, that's all for now, not a whole lot going on in my life. I'm working my way through LOST on Netflix, so that's been fun. I'm just at the end of season 2 and it's starting to get confusing, so I need to pay closer attention! Oh, LOST..
My allergies are pretty bad, but I think that's because I got so used to working in a warehouse and not being out in the elements as much during the day. Now that I'm in and out of my car at the peak allergy time-of-day (at noon and then again at 5pm), I'm getting hit pretty hard. Time to pony-up the dough for Zyrtec, I guess.
Still no pass to the Provo-Rec, but hopefully soon. Cody doesn't want to get them until he has more time to go, and he just has lots of yard stuff to do right now. Considering how cheap it is, and that we're paying yearly, I don't feel the same way, but whatever. I did got on a loooong run on Monday from my house to the new north park in Spanish Fork (a little under 5 miles when I take the running path along hwy 6) and it KILLED ME! I'm just now recovering from the soreness. Note to self: I need to GRADUALLY work a longer run into my life.. Good heavens!
It's SUMMER! The weather has been so nice.. I just need to get out and enjoy it! Cody and I are planning on going camping a few times, so I'm pretty excited about that. Work has been pretty good, still looking for something with an earlier schedule. I'm just glad AMP is such a good gig, or the hours would drive me crazy. I can't believe I've been working for Nu Skin and AMP for two months already..
Well, that's all for now, not a whole lot going on in my life. I'm working my way through LOST on Netflix, so that's been fun. I'm just at the end of season 2 and it's starting to get confusing, so I need to pay closer attention! Oh, LOST..
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Alright, I completely forgot about the discounts offered to Nu Skin employees until a few days ago and I'm super excited about one in particular! We get a discount with the Provo City Recreation Center (next to Provo High) and I am planning on getting that and then going swimming at lease once a week (lap swimming, not just using the diving board!) and then hopefully using their cardio equipment as well as attending their zumba class when I have a better work schedule. I'm not making any promises or advertising any goals just yet, but it's extra motivation when it will be cheaper for us! Cody is pretty excited as well. He's been wanting to go the gym recently, but it's so darn expensive! I've always been a gym-snob because I've never wanted to pay money for something I can do outside on my own for free. But I definitely see the benefits of going to the gym as opposed to just hoping the weather is nice enough for a run (definitely a gamble here in Utah!). I'm still working two jobs (1-5pm at NuSkin's employee store and 5:30-9:30pm at AMP security doing data entry) and I actually like both jobs. I wasn't expecting AMP to be much fun, but it's turned out to be quite laid-back with awesome co-workers. I definitely dislike the late work schedule, but I'm lucky to have found both of the jobs in the first place, so I'm grateful. I feel a little bad for my first entry about being annoyed, but at least I was wrong, right?! (lol)
Also, Cody and I are starting to feel more optimistic about maybe starting our family in the next year or two. We're just feeling better about our finances and it's been a great realization to come to. This isn't an announcement of any kind, so don't rush to conclusions! What you could do is tell me about any work-from-home opportunities that are legit, mmkay? That would be SUPER helpful! I'm pretty happy where things are though. Even though I don't really like my daily schedule, I'm getting into some good routines and I feel a lot more comfortable. I hope everyone is doing well, thanks for stopping by!
Toodles :)
P.S. I'm thinking my blog needs a remodel, so hopefully I can do that soon!
Also, Cody and I are starting to feel more optimistic about maybe starting our family in the next year or two. We're just feeling better about our finances and it's been a great realization to come to. This isn't an announcement of any kind, so don't rush to conclusions! What you could do is tell me about any work-from-home opportunities that are legit, mmkay? That would be SUPER helpful! I'm pretty happy where things are though. Even though I don't really like my daily schedule, I'm getting into some good routines and I feel a lot more comfortable. I hope everyone is doing well, thanks for stopping by!
Toodles :)
P.S. I'm thinking my blog needs a remodel, so hopefully I can do that soon!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Goal Accomplished!!
That's right, I donated my hair! I actually cut it last Wednesday, but I felt like I should mail it off before I talk myself up on here. I wasn't even planning on doing it last week, but I went to visit my mom and had her measure. So, when she said it was long enough, I just said, "let's do it!!" I've just been waiting so long to get this done and I'm so excited to say I accomplished one of my goals. It's the shortest I ever remember it being, so it's been an adjustment for me. Cody wasn't too happy about it either, but he'll survive. My showers are noticeably shorter! Also, I finally broke down and bought the fleece for my very own blanket! I've been telling myself I will make myself one for about a year now so I finally did it! It costed a lot more than I had originally planned, but I deserve it! I'm going to finish it today and I will hopefully get some photos up. Here are the before and after shots of my hair, so prepare yourself!
Here we go..
My baby brother is in the MTC as of now and I will see him again in two years! I was able to go to lunch with my parents and Jeremy earlier today, and honestly, the lunch was a good (and yummy) distraction from the inevitable goodbyes. I wasn't crying until he hugged me and said he loves me. I was lucky enough to have 30 minutes before I needed to be into work so I could sit out and enjoy the sunshine (and compose my stinking emotions). I feel a little dehydrated, but otherwise, comforted. He is going to be an incredible missionary and I couldn't be more proud of the young man he has become. I'm excited to write to him and hear about the experiences he'll be having while serving the Lord and His people in Salta, Argentina. I have a missionary blog going for our family here and I will be putting photos, letters, and updates on there as they come. Today, I get to have my tears, but I'm going to do my best not to dwell and just be happy and proud to have such an awesome little brother out in the mission field.

Friday, May 6, 2011
Lovely Post of Nothingness!
So I got it in my head that it would be fun to get those Jovy Fruit Rolls, (from the produce section of my friendly neighborhood Macey's), and put them in my drawer at work to eat occasionally. Nice idea, right? Then I proceeded to eat them all while I was on my shift today. I'm talking like, four Jovy's, can you believe it?!
I've been trying to think of good things to blog about lately while I'm here, and I've just run blank! My life is just not exciting right now, mmkay? I'm not too broken up about this, mind you, seeing as how whenever I feel bored, something NOT so fun happens (i.e. lay-offs, etc.) Do you see my point?
I saw my cutie-pie neice Penny today and it was glorious. I enjoyed talking to Heidi and laughing at the faces Penelope was making at me. I didn't hold her, but she is mobile enough that as long as she is watching me or smiling at me, I'm content. Who am I to confine her curiousity? Plus, she no longer cries when she sees me. Improvement, no? I say so!
Oh! Hot topic for me recently is the fact that my baby brother will be leaving to the MTC on the 25th! I can't believe it, really. I'm fairly certain I will shrivel a little from withdrawals when he's gone. He and I haven't always been so buddy-buddy, but REALLY! He is just the coolest ever and my music knowledge will suffer without his expertise. Interested in reading his letters while he's gone? Well, hop on over to the Boren Missionary page! To join the ranks with Jeremy, will be my cute cousin Ashton Roney in July, to Anchorage, Alaska! I mean, my heart is close to bursting with pride that my little brother is going out, but do you understand my lonesome sigh? Alas, those two years will probably fly by, am I right?
Welp, I'm headed off to my other job, more alarm systems! I'm almost done with my training (about time!!) so the next few weeks should be fun!
I've been trying to think of good things to blog about lately while I'm here, and I've just run blank! My life is just not exciting right now, mmkay? I'm not too broken up about this, mind you, seeing as how whenever I feel bored, something NOT so fun happens (i.e. lay-offs, etc.) Do you see my point?
I saw my cutie-pie neice Penny today and it was glorious. I enjoyed talking to Heidi and laughing at the faces Penelope was making at me. I didn't hold her, but she is mobile enough that as long as she is watching me or smiling at me, I'm content. Who am I to confine her curiousity? Plus, she no longer cries when she sees me. Improvement, no? I say so!
Oh! Hot topic for me recently is the fact that my baby brother will be leaving to the MTC on the 25th! I can't believe it, really. I'm fairly certain I will shrivel a little from withdrawals when he's gone. He and I haven't always been so buddy-buddy, but REALLY! He is just the coolest ever and my music knowledge will suffer without his expertise. Interested in reading his letters while he's gone? Well, hop on over to the Boren Missionary page! To join the ranks with Jeremy, will be my cute cousin Ashton Roney in July, to Anchorage, Alaska! I mean, my heart is close to bursting with pride that my little brother is going out, but do you understand my lonesome sigh? Alas, those two years will probably fly by, am I right?
Welp, I'm headed off to my other job, more alarm systems! I'm almost done with my training (about time!!) so the next few weeks should be fun!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Here we go again...
***DISCLAIMER*** I am super grateful for everything I have. For a husband who works so hard to provide for us. For supportive family and friends. For jobs that are available in this crappy economy. For ice cream. So I hope I don't offend anyone with this post. I am aware and grateful for the many many blessings in my life, I just need to vent. kthnxbai *****
Yep, I got laid-off on the 7th and it was great.. Sarcastic? Yes. BUT at least this time it wasn't my fault. The company had to let more than a few people go, so I didn't feel as bad. At the same time, while I look for permanent employment, I realize how much I miss my job. It was hard work, but it was easy. And I really liked my co-workers. And I made a good wage! I've had lots of interviews, but for now I've settled on working part-time for Nu Skin in their employee store (YAY!) and part-time for a security-alarm company doing data-entry. I'm super excited to have my foot in the door at Nu Skin! My Dad has been working for them for quite some time and so I've always wanted to work for them. What a great company! The alarm gig shouldn't be too bad since most of the phone talk will be with the salesmen and technicians. Not too excited about sitting at a computer, but it's better than being unemployed.
One frustration though, in the interview with the security company, they never said anything about having to get a license and that they would pay for it. They also failed to mention that in the event that I quit (before the "seasonal employment" time is up.. also didn't say it was seasonal) I have to cough up the $120 for the license. I guess this is my bad for not knowing I would need that since security companies are popping up all over the valley. But at the same time, I wouldn't have pursued the job if I had known that. A little snobby? Maybe. And I'm sure Cody wouldn't have appreciated me turning down work. But now that I'm into the training and doing the job, I know that as soon as I can get Nu Skin to take me on full-time or if I can find something better to replace it, I will want to quit this security company. I understand why they make you pay for the license if you leave.. That would be really expensive for the company to pay for everyone until they find something better. But I would've liked to have been told that in the interview.
Is that unreasonable? So, now I'm learning all of this stuff that will be worthless to me if I find something better (I have an interview tomorrow morning that I will take if they'll take me; it's for a shipping assistant!!!) and I'm just feeling pretty annoyed. Did I mention that if I keep up with this work schedule, I will work from 1pm-5pm for Nu Skin and then 5:30pm-10pm at the security job... Oh and no one gets Saturdays off. Moral? I'm mad that I lost my job. I'm mad!
Yep, I got laid-off on the 7th and it was great.. Sarcastic? Yes. BUT at least this time it wasn't my fault. The company had to let more than a few people go, so I didn't feel as bad. At the same time, while I look for permanent employment, I realize how much I miss my job. It was hard work, but it was easy. And I really liked my co-workers. And I made a good wage! I've had lots of interviews, but for now I've settled on working part-time for Nu Skin in their employee store (YAY!) and part-time for a security-alarm company doing data-entry. I'm super excited to have my foot in the door at Nu Skin! My Dad has been working for them for quite some time and so I've always wanted to work for them. What a great company! The alarm gig shouldn't be too bad since most of the phone talk will be with the salesmen and technicians. Not too excited about sitting at a computer, but it's better than being unemployed.
One frustration though, in the interview with the security company, they never said anything about having to get a license and that they would pay for it. They also failed to mention that in the event that I quit (before the "seasonal employment" time is up.. also didn't say it was seasonal) I have to cough up the $120 for the license. I guess this is my bad for not knowing I would need that since security companies are popping up all over the valley. But at the same time, I wouldn't have pursued the job if I had known that. A little snobby? Maybe. And I'm sure Cody wouldn't have appreciated me turning down work. But now that I'm into the training and doing the job, I know that as soon as I can get Nu Skin to take me on full-time or if I can find something better to replace it, I will want to quit this security company. I understand why they make you pay for the license if you leave.. That would be really expensive for the company to pay for everyone until they find something better. But I would've liked to have been told that in the interview.
Is that unreasonable? So, now I'm learning all of this stuff that will be worthless to me if I find something better (I have an interview tomorrow morning that I will take if they'll take me; it's for a shipping assistant!!!) and I'm just feeling pretty annoyed. Did I mention that if I keep up with this work schedule, I will work from 1pm-5pm for Nu Skin and then 5:30pm-10pm at the security job... Oh and no one gets Saturdays off. Moral? I'm mad that I lost my job. I'm mad!
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