Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Random Wednesday

Sorry to start off on a negative note, but... A dog in the neighborhood got into our backyard and killed 8 of our 10 chickens, 6 of which were babies.. Cody called the cops, followed the dog, then let the owners know they would be speaking with the cops soon. They owe us for damages (the chickens lost, plus the coop the dog destroyed getting to the chickens) and they were charged with "dog at large" and "dog-attack on a domestic animal". I understand that dogs will be dogs, but people shouldn't let their dogs run wild around the neighborhood. And our chickens weren't running free in the backyard, they were penned up and it took the dog a lot of effort to get to them. *sigh*

My allergies are pretty bad, but I think that's because I got so used to working in a warehouse and not being out in the elements as much during the day. Now that I'm in and out of my car at the peak allergy time-of-day (at noon and then again at 5pm), I'm getting hit pretty hard. Time to pony-up the dough for Zyrtec, I guess.

Still no pass to the Provo-Rec, but hopefully soon. Cody doesn't want to get them until he has more time to go, and he just has lots of yard stuff to do right now. Considering how cheap it is, and that we're paying yearly, I don't feel the same way, but whatever. I did got on a loooong run on Monday from my house to the new north park in Spanish Fork (a little under 5 miles when I take the running path along hwy 6) and it KILLED ME! I'm just now recovering from the soreness. Note to self: I need to GRADUALLY work a longer run into my life.. Good heavens!

It's SUMMER! The weather has been so nice.. I just need to get out and enjoy it! Cody and I are planning on going camping a few times, so I'm pretty excited about that. Work has been pretty good, still looking for something with an earlier schedule. I'm just glad AMP is such a good gig, or the hours would drive me crazy. I can't believe I've been working for Nu Skin and AMP for two months already..

Well, that's all for now, not a whole lot going on in my life. I'm working my way through LOST on Netflix, so that's been fun. I'm just at the end of season 2 and it's starting to get confusing, so I need to pay closer attention! Oh, LOST..

1 comment:

  1. if you are watching LOST you need to talk to me more.

    Also, sorry about your chickens.
