Alright... Anyone who knows me beyond my name knows that my favorite color is green. I just love it! It stems from being in the green group on my church history tour I went on after high school. Ever since that wonderful experience, I've loved it.
Onto March .. I love the month of March because of St. Patrick's Day. My brother pokes fun at me because St. Patrick's Day comes from when St. Patrick drove all of the snakes out of Ireland. My brother has snakes as pets (boas, pythons, etc.) so he jokes that I only love the holiday because I hate snakes. NOT TRUE! Cody and I even have a Royal (Ball) Python named Queen Elizabeth and we love her! I love St. Patrick's Day because everyone wears green .. Chicago colors their river green .. and it's just great!
This year, I've decided to wear at least one thing that's green everyday. I painted my nails green last night, so that should help. I also bought a t-shirt that says "FIGHT ME! I'M IRISH!" with a shamrock in the center. So, wish me luck. I shouldn't have any problems, but we'll see.
**I'm not completely Irish.. I wish, but I'm quite the mutt with English, German, Scottish, and possibly a wee bit Irish as well.